Friday, December 29, 2006

Homepage making

POLO sox from Akiko, my aunt

It has been really cold here. I have checked the temperture in Osaka, the highest 6 and the lowest 1. Yeah, understandable. Basically through New Year's Days, I have several things need to be done. But what needs to be done quickly is the publishing. Yesterday Mr. Yamasaki called me and told me he wanted to change some of pictures I put in there. The pictures and charts I made in there are picture-centered and casual. He and a bookeditor want the book to be more business-use, so those pictureish pages need to be more character-centered and formal. I already found 10 pages that I think too pictureish from the whole book. I'll need to change them to meet their target.

While working, the housebell rang. Hiromasa went to see the door, there was Akiko, my aunt. She bought us a pair of sox. This is today's picture. The one I got was POLO, should be a nice and warm feeling when I wear them. It is nice to give and receive presents.

In the afternoon, my parents came home from Rurikei. They told me there were plenty of snow. So they were very scared because at the first moment my dad drove a car, it slid. I can easily imagine that since in front of our cottage is a steep and big slope. But anyway they are safe home that is good.

After that my dad and I were working mostly on our homepage making. It is a fun work, but takes long. Well, just go slowly, I tell myself so.

Louana is busy with her work recently. So I can't see her face. But it is always good to see her face and have a talk with her even just for a minute. When my dinner was done, she came online. That was before she went to work. I like her long hair, I asked her to keep them long. So how she looked on TV is different from how she looks for the real. She told me that even that there has been many people who talked to her about "All You Need Is Love". If she didn't wear a hat, surely more people would be talking to her. Yeah let's say it was good that she wore a hat.

While homepage making, my dad got caught up with a long conversation on the phone. So I went to the living room, my mom was watching a TV about Shinjo who was one of the most popular baseball players. He has just retired this year. He was a very funny and crazy player, coming to the field with Spiderman or Star Wars outfit. Fighters where he used to belong to had a very small number of fans before Shinjo came there but last year, most of the times their stadium was full because of him. What I felt the greatest about him is he never surrendered to criticism such as " a professional baseball player has to be gentle and formal" or "a baseball player is not a comedian" etc. He just likes fun and crazy things , and loves the fans. He took actions according to what he believed and made it: made the studim full and made Fighters the champion. Fighters have not won the championship for 25 years. You see how miracle it was. It is still unknown what he will do the next.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a nice temperature for this winterlover, I am especially jealous of your snow in Rurikei!
It was good I wore a hat, so that less people recognize me now is what you mean? Are you afraid of the people that watch the All You Need Is Love show? These people are quite the mellow type I assure you, don't worry ;)!

Yasu said...

Rigth, you would like this temperture here. Yeah we can go to Rurikei someday soon.
Right, thanks to the hat, less people notice you. But I won't worry that those people are nice, good.