Friday, July 20, 2007


Well, in these 2 days I have been working on Accounting of my company. It feels very good to make a mess into organized sheets. It is like a puzzle. Put pieces into the right order and right place then at last you see the whole image. Well, the image I saw is a little bit different than it is supposed to be. So I'm going to find that out,,,

It is more fun than I thought. Let me guess why,,, I guess it is because of the sense of "Getting things done".

Anyway Louana is getting an internet modem today which allows her to do many things. First of course, she can internet at her place, she doesn't need to an internet cafe near her place and pay 300 yen or something. Second, she and I have 3 ways to communicate for free in distance ; 1. Softbank phone, 2. BB phone, 3. Skype or other Instant messenger.

Oh, now I got a phonecall from her and she got a modem! Yippie!
Well, just wait till it is set up.

Also she borrowed a new Harry Potter book from her coworker Jo. Louana and Jo both are Harry Potter freak. It is good to be freaked about something as long as it does not bother other people.

Well, go back to accounting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as you can see by my comments my internet is working! Halleluja! I don't think my IP phone works correctly yet, because my NTT phone number still works, but I'll figure out what I did wrong later. The most important thing for now was internet! Jippie!

Yeah organizing is like a puzzle and it's great when the pieces fit, that's why I love it too!

Oh the Harry Potter book! It's here and it's soooo thick! And I really want to read it and do so many things online too... I'm going to be busy this weekend only with fun fun fun stuff!
